Нашите услуги

Вашият  онлайн партньор

За да ви помогне да развиете вашият бизнес по-лесно и по-бързо.

Нашият нов уебсайт е създаден да Ви предложи най-лесния достъп до нужната ви информация. Търсенето е подпомогнато от изградени бизнес профили, редица приложения, възможност за изпращане на завки онлайн и няколко продуктови селектора. Всичко това ще ви спести време и ще ви помогне да направите най-правилния избор за вашият проект.  Просто посетете antalis.bg, вашият онлайн партньор!

  • my price list

    Download your personalized price list, so you are sure your information is always kept up to date.

  • Моите онлайн заявки

    Можете да разгледате продуктовата ни гама в нашия каталог. С Вашият акаунт бихте могли да изпратите заявка на Анталис 24 часа в денонощието и седем дни в седмицата.

  • My stock availability

    By ordering on line, we can inform you of the delivery date according to stock availability. In the vast majority of cases, we deliver within 24 hours.

  • my past orders

    With a simple click, you can view your order history: a useful tool when managing your orders.

  • my e-billing

    Our new e-billing Service is customer-friendly, easy to use and allows you to receive your statements, invoice statements, invoices and ‘proof of delivery’ letters in PDF format, a more efficient method of securely delivering your documents.

  • Your business information

    Our new website offers a space dedicated to you, no matter what your area of business. You will find all the useful information you need in order to develop your business with us: information on our products, events that we organize for you, promotions, Service offers…

  • Your product information

    Discover our extensive product range of more than 12,000 articles. You can use the advanced search function to obtain the technical features, the certificates, user advice, and recommended applications to help you make the best choice for your customers.

  • Packaging selector

    With this tool, you can quickly choose the best packaging solution according to the type of application, the brand, and the environmental credentials that you are looking for.

    Click here (Link to your selector)
  • Digital selector

    Just click on the selector to find the digital paper you need according to different criteria: digital press, product, application, environment credentials, technical specifications. 

    Click here (Link to your selector)
  • envelope selector

    The best way to quickly choose the envelope you need for your customer according to application, size, weight, colour and the brand you’re looking for.

    Click here (Link to your selector)
  • User advice

    Our product data sheets contain all the advice you need to make the best use of our products (creasing, folding, type of ink…)

  • ICC Profiles selector

    In this section, you will find a complete list of ICC profiles, which you can download for free. We have also developed a specific tool that allows you to select your printing parameters for the Coala range.

    This saves time and guarantees printing of the highest quality.

  • Product certificates

    In this section, you can download all the certificates related to our products: user guarantees, environmental certificates…
