
I am Rives

09 VI 2022 —

„Аз съм Rives / Je suis Rives“ е новата глобална кампания, насочена към Rives, гамата хартия Arjowiggins с френското наследство в производството на хартия, чиято причина за съществуване е удоволствието от докосването и текстурата.

„Аз съм Rives / Je suis Rives“ е новата глобална кампания, насочена към Rives, гамата хартия Arjowiggins с френското наследство в производството на хартия, чиято причина за съществуване е удоволствието от докосването и текстурата.

The campaign features a new sales tool and motion clips, all created by design agency BVD of Stockholm, that shed fresh light on the exceptional quality and printability of both Rives and Rives Sensation, as well as the French heritage of the collection.

Rives: The collection

Rives is a paper range whose relevance has only grown with time. With digital communication dominating our everyday and working lives, it’s the role of the books, publications, packaging and stationery we hold in our hands to satisfy our hunger for touch and texture. Customers are looking for paper with a memorable tactile twist. Rives is the perfect antidote to intangibility and excess screen-time.

Taking its name from the French town where it was first created, Rives has built a reputation among brands worldwide for its understated textures, which combine Gallic elegance and savoir-faire with complete adaptability across all major print processes.

The eight felt-marked and micro-embossed finishes that form the Rives collection are inspired by fashion and fabrics, from the classic textures of Tradition, Laid and Linear to the contemporary, geometric surfaces of Dot and Design. Some textures, such as Dot, Tweed and Basane, have no equivalents anywhere else in the paper market. Although the collection is mainly about whites and creams, Rives Tradition also offers three deep, sophisticated shades that evoke its French heritage: Le Rouge, Le Bleu and Le Noir.



Rives Sensation adds a patented surface treatment to selected Rives textures to further enhance ink-lift and drying performance, resulting in sharp colour rendering, super-high image resolution and beautifully homogeneous solid printing, especially of large images. Without altering the uncoated feel of the paper, the Sensation treatment delivers an ultra-matt print result or an outstanding gloss finish.

Both Rives and Rives Sensation are FSC-certified and provide 100%-recycled options, and both offer a range of products for digital printing. The range is available in exclusivity in all Antalis countries around the world and makes it the perfect choice for international projects and customers.