FAQ Products and services

Find below mostly asked questions with detailed answers from Antalis.

Thanks to our powerful search engine, there are several ways you can search on our site :
1. Enter the first letters of a product's brand, format, or family and a list of choices will appear.
2. Enter an item code and the product will be displayed.

In addition, you can search for multiple item codes at the same time in the "Fast order" feature: just use a comma between the codes: 332211, 425865, 447885.

You can visit antalis.fr to see if a sample is available for the desired product.
Only Antalis customers with an account (6 digits) can order on the site.
Are you a prescriber, graphic designer, or simply interested in our products ? Visit or contact our Brainstores (showrooms) at the following phone number: +33 (0)826 080 090 (€0.150 incl. tax/min)

All our products have their complete technical data sheet online. Search and click on the item code or the product description to get a copy of the technical data sheet. You can download each sheet.

Click here to find the right profile for your printer. Simply enter the manufacturer's name, model name, the Raster Image Processor (RIP), and the relevant medium.

Choose one of the suggestions and download the profile to produce high quality prints from the first document.

Absolutely. Antalis offers a die cutting optimisation tool called ARDIS ON-LINE.
This tool lets you to place die cut orders in the formats you want.

You can request a die cut in 2 ways :
1. You can set a brand, format, thickness and colour for cutting in 2, 3, 4, or more.
2. If you need a finished die-cut format, then you will only need to set the brand, the thickness and the colour. Specify the desired finished format, and the machine determines the parent format(s).

To do this : 

  • Select "Order/Multicriteria".
  • Then go to the 2nd tab : "Visual Com, Signage".
  • In the drop-down menu, choose "SYNTHETIC, PLATES".

Choose your brand, colour, thickness and then click :

  • Either on "cut this product" when you know the original size you want to cut.
  • or on "optimised cut" when you know which finished format you want by ignoring the parent die format.

Your sales representative is at your service to help you use our products or to put you in contact with a specialist printer depending on the specific products concerned.

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